Dialog Preview Options  
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Each of the three main dialogs for material, background and light settings contains a large preview window that provides various rendering qualities, two different resolutions and an automatic or manual update, respectively. These options are the same for all dialogs.  
In addition to these basic options each preview window provides a selector box right beneath the window that offers various selections of views and object groups for the preview rendering, arranged in regard to the specific demands for the individual dialog.  
Resolution - Click on the magnifying glass to change between the two possible preview picture resolutions (240 * 180 or 160 * 120 pixels).  
The spheres underneath the preview window represent the four possible rendering grades for the preview calculation:  
1. Simple Scanline algorithm.  
2. Raytracing, without shadows and antialiasing.  
3. Raytracing with shadows.  
4. Raytracing with shadows and antialiasing.  
Auto - If this button is activated then each change in every parameter will cause an immediate redraw of the scene in the preview window. If the <Auto> button is switched off you have to start a redraw manually by operating the <Preview> button. This is advisable when working on very complex scenes and you want to adjust several parameters in a row before starting a new preview calculation.  
Stop Preview Calculation (ESC)  
If a preview calculation of a very complex scene lasts to long you can interrupt the preview any time by pressing the <ESC> key on your keyboard. Of course complex scenes, for instance a landscape scene consisting out of millions of points and facets, ought to be rendered in a low grade rendering mode, preferable in raytracing mode without shadows and antialiasing.